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Category: SEO

Attending the 2020 Digital Marketers Organization Advanced Search Summit Conference in Napa

Last updated 08/27/2023 ◌ First posted 08/27/2023 ◌ 9 minute read

I was lucky enough to attend the 2020 Advanced Search Summit conference held by the Digital Marketers Organization in Napa, CA. This trip also included a masquerade ball, an Italian castle, falcons, and a lot of wine. Here are some highlights.

The 11 Essential (Free) WordPress Plugins I Immediately Install on Every Website I Make

Last updated 05/15/2023 ◌ First posted 05/15/2023 ◌ 8 minute read

I make a lot of websites, and I use WordPress for all of them. I experiment with other CMS platforms, but I’ve been a WordPress user since 2013. And on every website, I immediately install the same 11 plugins before I do anything else.

Who Fears the Ellipses? or, Change Your Mindset: Long Title Tags are Better for SEO

Last updated 05/03/2023 ◌ First posted 05/03/2023 ◌ 6 minute read

It has long been common knowledge in SEO that title tags should max out around 60-70 characters, give or take.

These guidelines have been prescribed for as long as I can remember–certainly since 2012, which is around when I first got into SEO. But I’ve always been confused about it.

Google Knows Where You Sleep & What Your House is Made Of

Last updated: 10/25/2021 ◌ First posted: 5/19/2015 ◌ 9 minute read

I don’t know of any murder cases where the killer stuffed the victim’s body into a wall to hide it. Maybe because it never happens… or maybe because every time it’s happened, the killer has gotten away with it.

I mean there’s really no way to be sure, right?

Well, not yet. But it’s conceivable that in the near future, you could find out what’s in your walls just by Googling it.